31.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspectiveInfo-Events and films at the Internationalist and Revolutionary Barrio at the Camp in Rostock
Read the whole articleCountdown to Rostock/Heiligendamm – up to date informations and city-maps
27.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
The last preparations for the camps, the international demonstration at 2nd of June and the blockades are going on and extra bus and trains have to be organized. The buses reaching Rostock at 2nd of June will partly be lead by the police to another place and perhaps can't drive to the city center in Rostock at the central railway station ("Hauptbahnhof"), where the demonstration starts. You will get a detailed overview of up to date informations: city-maps for the camp, the demonstration in Rostock, and to reach where you want to go, as well as information about the public transport system and the action days and about legal teams and anti-repression-work.
Read the whole article6000 people at 28th of May manifestation in Hamburg against ASEM-Summit
30.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
Escalation by the cops in Hamburg as exercise for the mass manifestation in Rostock at 2nd of June. About 6000 people participated in the manifestation against the ASEM-summit in Hamburg. The police brutally attacked the manifestation because of "oversized banners" (typicall german police arguement) and the motto of "Zero Tolerance"- and so the organizers had to end the manifestation at the half of the way. After this barricades hat been build in the streets. Together with groups from Hamburg also the Anti-G8-Alliances of the Revolutionary and Internationalist Bloc participated.
Read the whole articleAgainst the G8-Sumit –
internationalistic and revolutionary
11.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
From the first to the 8th of June there will be camps in Rostock, Redderich and Wichmansdorf. On the camp in Rostock we will be organising an internationalistic and revolutionary barrio. There will take place events, Films and discussions to different topics like Internationalism, Class warfare and Antiimperialism. On the second of June there will be the international manifestation against the G8-summit in Rostock. The Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective will join with an internationalistic revolutionary block, the meeting point is Rostock central station at 12 oÂ’clock. In the following days there'll be various action days concerning agriculture, migration and war. A main focus we lay on the action day against war, militarism and torture with actions in Rostock on the 5th of June and the blocking of the military airport Rostock-Laage on the 6th of June.
Information for how to get to the Manifestation
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Thousends protest against G8-Police-Razzias
10.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
In different cities all over Germany thousands protested spontaneous against the criminalisation of the Anti-G8-Resistance. On 9th of May the german police searched nationwide 40 projects and houses of opposers of the G8-summit because of a supposed creation of a terrorist organisation and twelve arson attacks against different institutions wo stand in connection with the upcoming G8-summit. The german minister of the interior also announced sharp border controls during the G8-summit. Europeanwide there will be more protest actions in the next days.
Indymedia: Thousands at protest demonstrations
More information about the crackdowns
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2nd of June: International Manifestation against the G8 summit
05.04.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
In Europe and worldwide people are calling for the international mass manifestation to Rostock/Germany at 2nd of Juni and up to 100.000 people are expected. There will be two routes of manifestation in Rostock. One route will be outside of the center of the city and the other one will be in the city, and both are ending in one big end-manifestation at the city-harbour of Rostock. The revolutionary, internationalist and anticapitalist Bloc will participate in the inner-city manifestation which starts at 12:00PM at the place "Platz der Freundschaft" near the central railway station.
map of the manifestation routesRead the whole article
Action Days against war, militarization and torture: block G8, prevent wars!
04.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
Action Day against militarism, war and torture: block G8, prevent wars! Different groups and associations have networked nationwide for the mobilisation to Rostock-Laage. Rostock-Laage plays a central role in the planningÂ’s of war for Bundeswehr and Nato and is the place where the participants of the G8-Summit in Heiligendamm will arrive. Many manifestations in front of the airport are already announced and an Open-Air-Concert will take place there.
Read the whole articleCall against the G8-summit from Latin America
27.03.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
International initatives also are calling for the protests against the G8-summit in Germany. An actual call of the Bolivarian Contintental Coordination, adressing towards Latino Initatives and the Latin America Solidarity Movement, is spotting the acutal Situation like the militarisation of the region. Revolutionary perspectives like the Bolivarian Way are described as well as the importance to come to the streets against the G8 summit.
Call: Against the G8 – Unity and Revolutionary Struggle!Read the whole article
Actual state of mobilization against G8 and new security laws
18.01.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
The mobilization in Germany and also internationally runs already on full speed. Many preparation meetings and conferences has been held and different alliances for mobilization founded. An timetable of action is nearly fixed. Security and repression measures by the police and security administrations because of the 100 000 expected demonstrators are already under way. A General view of the actual state of the mobilization against the G8 and the new security and police laws in Germany and Mecklenburg- Vorpommern.
Read the whole articleAction days, Manifestations, Blockades ...
03.12.2006 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
At different meetings and during the Rostock Conference already many actions were decided and a provisional "action timetable" was provided. There will be mass demonstrations, the central mass manifestation in Rostock (Capital of the Area where the Summit will held) the saturday before the beginning of the summit, as well as a counter-summit and an internationalist alternative summit and many blockades and a action camp. A central blockade day will take place at the beginning of the G8-summit.
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