Against the G8 Summit – Unity and Revolutionary Struggle
15.03.2007 | Bolivarian Continental Coordination
From Our America we join the great Anti-G8 mobilization as part of the campaign "Not Ine Yankee Soldier in Our America and in the World", as well as the debate about alternatives to capitalism. We call on the revolutionary organizations of the whole contient to participate in this important process and to coordinate, propose and extend in their territories different activities in the run-up to and at the time of the summit in Heiligendamm next year, 2007.
For freedom, for the sovereignty and welfare of all the oppressed peoples of the world, Unity and Revolutionary Struggle.
Bolivarian Continental Coordination (CCB)
Not One Yankee Soldier in Our America and in the World! Against the G8 Summit – Unity and Revolutionary Struggle.
“Unity, Unity, Unity Should Be Our Motto” Simón BolívarThe idea is widespread that the worst masacre in history was perpetrated by the fascists against the Jews, communists and intellectuals; however, even if that was abominable and blood-chilling, nowhere in the history of humanity has there been a massacre larger in numbers or crueler in methods than the one committed in America (in the North, in the center and in the South) during the time of colonialism. The result of Christopher Colombus' arriaval in the New World (America) meant death for the natural or indigenous populations, or their disappearance as cultures. More than 60 million humans killed, countless more enslaved, all plundered and driven from their land without exception, for two fundamental reasons: being different than the colonizing culture and living in the richtest land known at the time.
It is important to say this, because this fact is fundamental in the development and accumulated history of our peoples in the new continent, who heroically shook off those yokes, recovering independence, but who have not been able to get rid of the hawks and vultures which make plans from the heart of the empire - the most sophisticated and not the least bloody - to continue plundering America and to usher in a process of re-colonization which has been going on for several decades.
"(...) The United States and its allies have a policy of continental domination and they possess the instruments to execute this plan: the Southern Command, military forces spread out in bases and specific operations; the International Monentary Fund IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization WTO, the Plan Puebla Panamá, Plan Colombia, Plan Patriota, Andean Initiative, NAFTA, CAFTA - RD, FTAs" ...
Haiti is "intervened" by the combined forces of the US, France, Spain, Canada, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and other coutries, in the disguise of the United Nations (MINUSTAH, United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti). The border of the Dominican Republic with Haiti is practically under the control of the Southern Command of the Pentagon. Today American military bases are spead out through all our territories: the base Tres Esquinas in Colombia; Iquitos, in Peru; Manta, in Ecuador; Palmerola, in Honduras; Comalapa, in El Salvador; Reina Beatriz on the Island of Aruba; Libería, in Costa Rica; Guantánamo in Cuba; s camp of 200 miles and including trawling under the water, close to Vieques in Puerto Rico. This without counting the unrestricted access of American military to national military bases, as in Colombia, or the smaller military presence in Antigua, Peru and the Bahamas.
This situation has generated important resistance movements which have delayed the installation of many more military forces, such as in the so called triple border vertex where Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay meet, or in Vieques in Puerto Rico, abandoned by the gringos after a large people's movement.
The public raison d'ętre of this apparatus of intervention is the struggle against drug trafficking and the protection of democracy. However, several American congressmen admit this complicated framework is made to suffocate any social, political or insurrectional movement which hampers the development of the expansion plans of the transnational imperial economcy, for example the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA, ALCA).
A tangible proof of this claim is Plan Colombia or the "antinarcotics plan", the military component of the FTAA and a strategy for gaining power in the Amazon Region composed of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Created by the government of Clinton and implemented since 2000 by the government of Pastrana in Colombia.
With a cost of more than two billion dollars, 70 helicopters, thousands of military uniforms, training, subcontracting of mercenaries and financing of five new battalions, it has managed to professionalize 52,000 soldiers for an approximate total of 320,000 people linked to military questions of defense and security. Professional soldiers, amongst whom are to be found so-called paramiliaries who have caused the internal displacement of more than three million people, via threats, terrible massacres, selective assasinations and fumigation with glyphosate over food crops, water and farms.
The areas abandoned due to the terrorism of the Colombian state, financed by the empire, are not exactly areas dominated by drug trafficking, even though they become this after the operations; they are areas of interest to transnational capital to control oil, zones apt for monoculture or various minerals including especially gold, coal and water.
The transational capital profiting by this humanitarian crisis is not just American; European businesses like Repsol, Nestle, Fenosa, Siemens, Daimler Benz, MBB, Carl Zeiss, Dornier, Rotexchemie International Handels GmBH, among others, have gotten quite a benefit from the implementation of fascism in Colombia, without counting their direct links to crimes and serious violations of human rights in Latin America, as was denounced and condemned in the Alternative Summit of Brussels in a Popular Tribunal.
Of course these multinationals are not alone, since the trajectory of the policies of the European Union in relation to international trade is oriented towards the interests of big corporations.
On the other hand, the resonating "commitment to peace" of the European Union EU by directly financing certain Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) constitutes the other face of the plans for domination, whose role has been vital: neutralizing the opinion of all sectors about the political situation of every country; mining the people's struggles and their most sincere demands by buying consciences and serving up distractions while privatization goes forward implacably.
The G8 is nothing other than the close alliance between the hawks and vultures of the world, to continue avanti in the march of capitalism, defending the interests of a few macabre minorities who decide the fate of the planet, the establishment of laws, the implementation of wars, displacement, murder and the ideological neutralization of thousands of people etc.
In Our America, a revolutionary wave breaking out, which, based on a long accumulated history of colonization, liberation, heroes without peers (Zapata, Petion, Tupac Amarú, Bolivar, Artigas, San Martín, la Gaitana, Guicaipuro, Villa, Lame, Caamańo, Che Guevara, Prestes, Castro, Arenas) and continuing resistance, is searching through experience for alternatives to build another world which is possible and necessary and in doing so conquer definitive independence.
The counterproposal to the FTAA, which obeys the interests of transnational capital and strives for the absolute liberalization of trade in goods and services and investments, has flowered in our continent with the reemergal of Boliviarian and popular ideas like the ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas and the Caribbean), not subordinate to any hegemonic world center, proposing fair trade, an equal exchange and the solution of the problems of the colossal poor masses in Latin America. And in the framework of the ALBA there is a proposal to create Petro-America, conceived as a multi-state oil, gas and energy company integrated by the countries like Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Venezuela.
In July 2006, with the intention of giving an impulse to these and other proposals and neccessities, like the IHF (International Humanitarian Fund), Venezuela publically joined Mercosur (made up of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay) showing the imperative that our history demands, namely giving life to a process of unification of the peoples of Our America.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, again taking up, in the person of Hugo Chávez Frias, the banners of Simon Bolivar, has began a revolutionary process sui generis which started with the nationalization of oil, the agrarian reform and the establishment of "missions" which attempt to improve the quality of life of the Venezuelan people; attempting to solve problems of vital importance, like health, education and nutrition, amongst others.
Chávez has expressed on numerous occassion that the project on which Venezuela has embarked cannot be anything but socialist and has opened a debate about the validity and necessity of socialsm as an answer to the screaming failure of capitalism in light of the major problems of humanity. In step with the revolutionary process, Venezuela is preparing for the agression being prepared zealously by Yankee imperialism, using and strengthening fascism in Colombia in the form of the narco-paramilitary president Álvaro Uribe Vélez (AUV).
Colombia has been the protagonist of many years of brave resistance and struggle. This country, while remaining a spearhead for the intervention in all of America, contains a highly organized insurgent movement including the oldest guerilla army in the continent, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP).
Under the banners of Bolivar, Marx and Lenin. a real people's army has been constituted, which in an an interesting exercise of power for more than 42 years has drawn up proposals in various occasions to supersede the conflict and the problems such as the drug trade as part of a project of true peace with social justice and popular participation.
Furthermore, they are part of the accumulated history of Latin America that we mentioned and a reflection of the revolutionary wave, the swerve of the electorate to the left or center-left, evidence of the generalized repudiation of the neoliberal project; also the growth of leftist popular forces, the reemergence of insurgent movements, the countless demonstrations, strikes, protests, the strengthening of the popular movements, the coordinations of organizations of indigenous peoples, people of African descent, women, students, peasants, of trade unions and human rights groups; political parties, collectives, forces, nuclei etc., with unifying ideas, with the idea of founding a new project which is creative, diverse and profoundly democratic.
Coordinations which seek to overcome old disputes by establishing common points, to recognize the importance of each and every form of struggle, of the contribution of each and every organizational form which pushes forward the conquest of the people's interests.
Effectively, unity is a fundamental aspect of what is developing today in America: it is the legacy which is gathered from Bolivar and other thinkers and liberator heros; it is the legacy which is gathered from its strong indigenous component and its strong link with life and the land; it is the legacy which is gathered from the great thinkers of humanity like Marx who called for the unity of the oppressed of the world. It is the strategic alternative only possible by virtue of solidarity and the sovereignty and welfare of all our peoples.
We appeal for this, unity, today in the call of this great international movement to expel imperialism, misery and death, which capitalism offers as a future. Beneath the rhetorical disguise of development of humanity one will find its most loyal representatives at the head of this summit of the G8.
From Our America we join the great Anti-G8 mobilization as part of the campaign "Not Ine Yankee Soldier in Our America and in the World", as well as the debate about alternatives to capitalism. We call on the revolutionary organizations of the whole contient to participate in this important process and to coordinate, propose and extend in their territories different activities in the run-up to and at the time of the summit in Heiligendamm next year, 2007.
For freedom, for the sovereignty and welfare of all the oppressed peoples of the world, Unity and Revolutionary Struggle!
Executive Committee
Bolivarian Continental Coordination (CCB)
...because we all find ourselves in Bolivar
More information about Colombia at: