Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
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Anti-G8-Camp | Rostock
from June 1, 2007

Internationalist and Revolutionary Barrio at the Anti-G8-Camp in Rostock

Mass Manifestation | Rostock
June 2, 2007

International Mass Manifestation against the meeting of the G8

Move against G8 | Rostock
June 3, 2007

Konzert am Stadthafen von Rostock / Nähe Innenstadt

Aktionday Migration | Rostock
June 4, 2007

Actionday "Escape and Migration"

Anti-War-Action-Days | Rostock and Laage
June 5 and 6, 2007

Block G8! Prevent Wars! Block up the airport Rostock-Laage


Criminalisation of G8-protests

09.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

On 9th of May the police searched nationwide 40 projects and houses of opposers of the G8-Summit. More than 800 Police officers were involved. As the chief public prosecutor claims the reason for this major crack down are a supposed creation of a terrorist organisation in accordance with paragraph 129a and twelve arson attacks on different institutions in Berlin, Hamburg and Brandenburg who stand in connection with G8-protests. Involved are, among others, the ‘Bethanien’, the book store ‘Schwarze Risse’, the server room of '', the store ‘Fusion’, the picture-archive ‘Umbruch’, kanalB and different flat-sharing communities in Berlin. In Hamburg the ‘Rote Flora’ as well as house projects were searched. That way the state and its repression apparatus show their fear of the protests in Heiligendamm. Despite the repression the preparations for the summit are proceeding. Nothing will stop protest and resistance against the G8!

More information on Indymedia UK
Press release of Gipfelsoli Info Group
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Warm up II: Revolutionary 1st of May 2007

05.04.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

At the worldwide day of action of the oppressed, the 1st of May, like in other countries also all over germany Autonomous and Revolutionary 1st of May Demonstrations will take place. This year the 1st of May is part of the mobilization against the G8-summit. At 1st of May different anti-G8-alliances and affinity groups in the different cities are participating at the demonstrations and are organizing more actions of mobilization and information events against the G8-summit.

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Come to the Luxemburg-Liebknecht Manifestation!

27.12.2006 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

At January the 14th 2007 the annual Liebknecht- Luxemburg Manifestation in memory of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht will take place in Berlin. The two co-founders of the Communist Party of Germany were murdered at February the 15th 1919 in Berlin by german paramilitary right-wing corps. Luxemburg and Liebknecht are symbols for the fight against the capitalist system and for a revolutionary overthrow to a classless society. The demonstration begins at 10 o'clock at Metro Station "Frankfurter Tor" and leads to the memorial place of the socialists. The Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective will take part with an internationalist block in the demonstration.

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Don't let the capitalists meet - let's hit them!

27.12.2006 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

From 24 to 28 January 2007 the World Economic forum (WEF) takes place in Davos/Switzerland. There will meet representatives of the largest international enterprises and financial companies as well as politicians and strategists, to discuss about their economic and political interests and to develop common projects. Their interests are the profit maximization, the safety of raw materials and the entrance to new markets. In Davos plans are made for the optimization of the exploitation, which means the appropriation of the surplus value created by the workers. Even if Davos is secured by military and police like a fortress, the meeting will not take place in silence, because also this year numerous protest is expected.

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Camping against G8 2006

22.12.2006 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

Anti-G8-Camping from 4th to 13th of August 2006 near the Baltic See in East-Germany: at August there will be a Camp from different groups and organisations. At the beginning of the camp will be a nationwide meeting from the Dissent-network. With information events about different themes, many work-groups and workshops and a meeting for coordination of work against repression the calm before the run against the summit will be used for concrete mobilisation for the anti-G8-activities. The Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective will participate with many information gigs, a filmprogram, an exhibition about different aspects of the G8 summit and with an own big tend for meetings at the camp.

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