Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
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Anti-G8-Camp | Rostock
from June 1, 2007

Internationalist and Revolutionary Barrio at the Anti-G8-Camp in Rostock

Mass Manifestation | Rostock
June 2, 2007

International Mass Manifestation against the meeting of the G8

Move against G8 | Rostock
June 3, 2007

Konzert am Stadthafen von Rostock / Nähe Innenstadt

Aktionday Migration | Rostock
June 4, 2007

Actionday "Escape and Migration"

Anti-War-Action-Days | Rostock and Laage
June 5 and 6, 2007

Block G8! Prevent Wars! Block up the airport Rostock-Laage


6000 people at 28th of May manifestation in Hamburg against ASEM-Summit

30.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

print version

Escalation by the cops in Hamburg as exercise for the mass manifestation in Rostock at 2nd of June. About 6000 people participated in the manifestation against the ASEM-summit in Hamburg. The police brutally attacked the manifestation because of "oversized banners" (typicall german police argument) and the motto of "Zero Tolerance"- and so the organizers had to end the manifestation at the half of the way. After this barricades hat been build in the streets. Together with groups from Hamburg also the Anti-G8-Alliances of the Revolutionary and Internationalist Bloc participated.

Report at Indymedia

Photos from Hamburg
