Action days, Manifestations, Blockades ...
03.12.2006 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
At different meetings and during the Rostock Conference already many actions were decided and a provisional "action timetable" was provided. There will be mass demonstrations, the central mass manifestation in Rostock (Capital of the Area where the Summit will held) the saturday before the beginning of the summit, as well as a counter-summit and an internationalist alternative summit and many blockades and a action camp. A central blockade day will take place at the beginning of the G8-summit.
There will be also central days of actions, for example against the racist prison system for asylum-seekers partly organized by selforganzied migrant groups and a central action day against militarism and imperialist wars. Further actions around the area of the G8-summit and in the City Rostock are planned - in numerous cities will be also protest days and mobilization actions in the months and weeks before.
May 1: Revolutionary May Demonstrations
At the beginning of June: Decentralized blockades all over germany.
June 1: "provisional ocupation of the Bombodrom-Area". The "Bombodrom" in northern Germany is planned from the military to be used in the future for military training for example with bombs thrown by airoplans. More information: www.freieheide, // Also the Camp starts and the Caravan to Heiligendamm (where the Summit will take place in the upcoming days.)
June 2: MASS DEMONSTRATION in Rostock. Until now the route of the manifestation is unclear - while Attac or NGOs want to have a manifestation with seperated ways for different kind of manifestators, leftwing groups and organisations favorisate a mass manifestation with all groups and organisations. An Internationalist Alternative Summit for this day in the Inner City also is planed.
June 4: Demonstration in the center of the City Rostock. Action Day Migration; Activities against Asylum-Seekers-Deportation Camps, against racist police, and so on. information:
June 4-7: Actions of civilian disobedience and blockades, central blockade day: June 6th, at the beginning of the G8-Summit
June 5: Action day against militarism and imperialist wars, blockades at the airport Rostock Laage (NATO-Airport) and of Heiligendamm (G8-Summit Area).
June 5-7: Counter Summit to the G8-Summit in the City Rostock, the program already is planned by organizations like Attac and NGOs etc. But it is in negotiation in which form the counter summit could interact with the protest and actions in the streets.
June 7: Protest march to Heiligendamm from different towns in the area. Organized from the Dissent Network