Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective
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Anti-G8-Camp | Rostock
from June 1, 2007

Internationalist and Revolutionary Barrio at the Anti-G8-Camp in Rostock

Mass Manifestation | Rostock
June 2, 2007

International Mass Manifestation against the meeting of the G8

Move against G8 | Rostock
June 3, 2007

Konzert am Stadthafen von Rostock / Nähe Innenstadt

Aktionday Migration | Rostock
June 4, 2007

Actionday "Escape and Migration"

Anti-War-Action-Days | Rostock and Laage
June 5 and 6, 2007

Block G8! Prevent Wars! Block up the airport Rostock-Laage


Come to the Luxemburg-Liebknecht Manifestation!

27.12.2006 | Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective

print version

At January the 14th 2007 the annual Liebknecht- Luxemburg Manifestation in memory of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht will take place in Berlin. The two co-founders of the Communist Party of Germany were murdered at February the 15th 1919 in Berlin by german paramilitary right-wing corps. Luxemburg and Liebknecht are symbols for the fight against the capitalist system and for a revolutionary overthrow to a classless society. The demonstration begins at 10 o'clock at Metro Station "Frankfurter Tor" and leads to the memorial place of the socialists. The Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective will take part with an internationalist block in the demonstration.

Internationalist Block

Against imperialistic wars and G8! | Sunday | January 14th 2007 | Metro-Station Frankfurter Tor | Berlin Friedrichshain | 10:00 h

XII. International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

Refectory of the Technical University of Berlin | Hardenbergstraße 34 | 10:00 h

Program Further Information:

Action-Conference against imperialist war & G8

Silbersteinstraße 96 | metro-station Hermannstrasse | Berlin Neukölln | 15:00 h

Program: After the program there will be meal, drinks and music.
Further Information:

Food-not-bombs "Volxküche" Extra - after the Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Manifestation.

You will get hot drinks, cakes and hot vegan food. There also will take part a photo and poster exhibition about the years of LL-Manifestation.

13:00 h | Grünberger Straße 73 | near place Boxhagener Platz, in the proximity of Metro-Station Samariterstrasse | Berlin Friedrichshain (a side street from the Frankfurter Allee)

Archives: Internationalist Block until 2006

Homepage of the Internationalist Block of 2006:
Archives with photos and posters until 2004: here
