Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive
31.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive
Info-Events and films at the Internationalist and Revolutionary Barrio at the Camp in Rostock
The Info-events daily starts at 14 o'clock. In the evening after the info-events there is culture programm. The starting times of each event will be published at the camp with posters at the infopoints and in our Barrio. There will be also an film agenda and the date and starting time of the listed films also will be announced at the camp.
Sunday |3rd of June
What to do? For an international coordination of the resistance againste capitalist advance and against imperialism.
With delegates from different countries. They will discuss what could be the fundament of a coordination of anticapitalist and antiimperialist movement and how to make first practical steps forward an coordination.
Anti-G8-alliance for a revolutionary perspective
Sunday |3rd of June
Antifascist resistance in the times of the so called "reunion of germany" (after the so called "fall of the wall")
In the end of the 80ies the Nazis became more offensive and after the so called reunion of the ex-socialist part of germany with the capitalist part there had been many progroms and brutal attacks against foreigners by the fascists. Many people has been murdered. The antifascist resistance did get more organized and after an antifascist intervention the Nazi-Chef Kaindl died... A representative of the antifascist resistance and a person who also has been searched by the police for the case of Kindl are speaking.
Autonomous Communists Berlin and Red Action Berlin
Sunday |3rd of June
Forward to the creation of a new international of the youth
The internationalist and communist youth organisation REVOLUTION will wpeak about questions of resistance and about how to organize it. The international of a new youth movement is an importand base for a new revolutionary and communist movement in the world.
REVOLUTION, New Democratic Youth and Socialist Left
Sunday |3rd of June
War - inside and outside
The Palastine Solidarity Group from Hamburg, the turkisch Organisation ATIK and somebody from an actual worker struggle are speaking about the ongoing war in Palestine/Israel and Iraq and what is the war inside germany. They want to describe the relation between war outside and inside of a country.
Antiimperialist and Antifascist Alliance against G8
Monday | 4th of June
Actionday against war, militarization and torture at 5th and 6t of June
Information and political discussion about the Militarisation, the NATO-airport in Rostock-Laage, the upcoming action days in Rostock and Rostock-Laage and acutal informations
Preparing Alliance for the actionday against war, militarisation and tortue
Monday | 4th of June
40 years of ocupation of the Gaza and the Westbank in Palestine
After the info-event there will be shown the film „The Raging Grannies Anti Occupation Club“ with the possibility to discuss with the regisseur Iwajla Klinke. The film is showing the fight of the 76 years old Hava and her friends of the woman-group of Tel Aviv for the freedom of all female political prisoners. The "Raging Grannies" are doing revolutionary texts and music and are making actions at the checkpoints and ar driving into the occupied areas to speak with palestinan female ex-prisoners. A film not only about the ocupation of palestine but also about resistance.
Counter Information Bureau / Gegeninformationsbüro
Monday | 4th of June
The basque country - a socialist perspective
Members of the forbidden basque organisations ASKATASUNA (antirepression-organisation) and SEGI (youth organisation) and the organisation ASKAPENA (internationalist basque organisation) are speaking about the actual situation of the left basque resistance towards a socialist perspective. Well known because of the media is the question of violence in the basque country but it isn't known very good that the anti-globalisation movement and the social fights of students, squatters and workers is very strong in the basque country. A member of the left national liberation movement is moderating this info-event.
basque solidarity group OIHUKA
Thuesday | 5th of June
IT-Security and the question of political militancy
How to use the needfull progress of the computer-technoligy and in the same time hide against attacks of the repression-institutions? The technology of information did change the political everyday life: meetings are published via E-mail or SMS, you can get informations via PC, Internet or Telephone. All instruments have the possibility to be used by the revolutionary resistance movement. But its necessary to know about measures of security - but also nobody should get paranoied because of this new technologies.
Revolutionärer Aufbau Schweiz / Revolutionary Organisation Switzerland
Thuesday | 5th of June
Whats up in Venezuela?
A short overview with Dia-Show about the history and the political and economic system of venezuela. Discussion about the acutel process in Venezuela and about solidarity with the actual revolutionary bolivarian process.
Red October
Other planed Informations-Events will be published at the camp
Films in the Barrio
The following films will be shown at the Internationalist and Revolutionary Barrio during the camp-week. The agenda of the films will be published at the infopoints and in our Barrio
The Fourth World War / Indymedia (USA 2003 | 76 Minutes)
Five fabrics: Workers control in Venezuela (Venezuela 2006 | 81 Minutes)
Pasaremos – we will come through! About the spanish war (Austria 1988 | 30 Minutes)
Wind that Shakes the Barley (Ireland 2006 | 127 Minutes)
Guerilla-warfare in Ireland in the beginning.
The Take (Argentinien 2004 | 87 Minutes)
Story about the squatting of a fabric in Argentina
Oaxaca – between rebellion and utopia (Mexico 2006 | 87 Minutes)
Edipo Re – King Ödipus (Italia 1967 | 110 Minutes)
A Pasolini Film during the faschist time before worldwar II.
The war against the coca or war about ressources? (USA 2000 | 57 Minutes)
About the Plan Colombia and the so-called "war against drugs" from the USA/CIA in Colombia.
Malcom X (USA 1992 | 201 Minutes)
Black Movement USA. Malcom X was killed by the State!
Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive | mail@antiG8.tk