Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive
Countdown to Rostock/Heiligendamm – up to date informations and city-maps
27.05.2007 | Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive
The last preparations for the camps, the international demonstration at 2nd of June and the blockades are going on and extra bus and trains have to be organized. The buses reaching Rostock at 2nd of June will partly be lead by the police to another place and perhaps can't drive to the city center in Rostock at the central railway station ("Hauptbahnhof"), where the demonstration starts. You will get a detailed overview of up to date informations: city-maps for the camp, the demonstration in Rostock, and to reach where you want to go, as well as information about the public transport system and the action days and about legal teams and anti-repression-work.
International Mass Demonstration in Rostock at 2nd of June ...
For public transport in Rostock including the whole region Extra-Tickets will be available valuable from 2nd to 9th of June 2007 during the protest days for only 15 Euro. With the Extra-Ticket ("Sonderfahrkarte G8") you can drive during this time with all city buses, trains and the rapid-transit railway in the zone of the Traffic Network Warnow ("Verkehrsverbund Warnow") to all city routes of Rostock [pdf] and the routes of the region [pdf] . Time tables of the public transport will be provided in all camps and at the railway stations. If you come to Rostock before 2nd of June you already can stay in the international anti-G8-camp in Rostock.
... two demonstrations with common end-manifestation
There are two demonstrations at 2nd of June, which will end at a common place of the end-manifestation at the city harbour of Rostock. We are calling for the Internationalist and Revolutionary Bloc, which will participate in the demonstration starting at 12 o'clock near the central railway station through the city center (map: demonstration route [jpg]) and will march behind the antifascist and anticapitalist bloc of antifascist groups.
The second demonstration starts outside of Rostock near a gateway of the autobahn (map: Schutower Kreuz [jpg]) and will march through an almost uninhabited area. Officially they want to redirect all buses to drive to that place outside of Rostock. Officially buses which want to drive to the central railway station in the city center will only be led through, if they are placing a special sign at their bus.
Redirection of the buses?
If your bus does not drive to the central railway station or will not be led through by the police and the bus drives to the place of the second manifestation at the gateway of the autobahn (Schutower Kreuz), almost quickly you can reach the demonstration in the city center by walking and taking the city express train to the central railway station (city map [jpg]). It's unconfirmed which city buses at 2nd of June will drive or not drive. For that the easiest way would be to walk to the next rapid-transit railway station of line 1, this line of the rapid-transit railway will drive almost all 10 minutes directly to the central railway station ("Hauptbahnhof"). To reach the next railway station "S-Bahnhof Rostock-Bramow" you just have to walk along the street "Hamburger Strasse", then after a while, you have to turn left into the street "Schwarzer Weg", which leads to the station. The second possibility to reach the station: walking along the street "Hamburger Strasse", then after a short time on the left side at the place "Braesig Platz" turn into the street "Braesig Weg". This street later changes name to "Rahnstädter Weg". At the end of this street turn left into the street "An der Jägerbäk", where you can find the station "S-Bahnhof Rostock-Marienehe" also at the railway line 1, which directly drives to the central railway station.
Internationalist and Revolutionary Area at the Anti-G8-Camp in Rostock
The anti-G8-camp (city-map [jpg]) is only three stations away from the central railway station ("Hauptbahnhof"). If you come from the central railway station you have to take the railway line 1 of the rapid-railway transport in direction to "Warnemünde". Drive to the station "S-Bahnhof Rostock-Bramow" where you leave the railway. It's listed in an extra timetable [pdf] that this railway will almost drive all 10 minutes during 1st and 9th of June. From this station walk over the street "Schwarzer Weg" in direction to the harbour. Turn left into the street "Schlachtstrasse" and than you can follow the signs to the camp at the street "Am Grenzschlachthof". All people reaching Rostock before 2nd of June can come to the camp to stay there and to help fixing the infrastructure of the camp. The Anti-G8-Alliance for a revolutionary perspective together with the antiimperialist and antifascist anti-G8-alliance will organize an "Internationalist and Revolutionary Area" at the camp together with other groups and organizations. There will be a big tent for reunions and information programs about different themes, cinema and culture from 1st to 8th of June. A detailed program with all events, cinema and culture programs, you will find the following days on our homepage and will be provided at the camp. In the camp there are showers, sanitary installations and public food-not-bombs as well as internet at the tent of Indymedia. Tents and all you need for camping you have to bring yourself. Donations of 5 Euro for the camp-infrastructure would be appreciated.
Controls at the way to Rostock
Already there are passport and luggage controls in the trains as well as controls of cars. They are controlling near the german border, around Rostock and Heiligendamm as well as inside Rostock and at the airport of Rostock-Laage. They will intensify their controls during the next days. If somebody will be hindered to go on with the travel or if you see people getting arrested or you yourself will get arrested, you can call the Legal Teams ("Ermittlungsausschuss"/"EA" ), which are in contact with lawyers.
Anti repression work: Red Help, Legal Teams and "Ermittlungsausschuss"
There is detailed information booklets - in many different languages, about the german laws and how to act at demonstrations, protest actions and/or if somebody gets arrested. You can read and download the booklets and informations for example on the homepage of the german antirepression organization "Rote Hilfe e.V. " (Red Help Association) and it will be provided at the convergence centers and the camps. If you get arrested or if you see comrades getting arrested you can call the Legal Teams ("Ermittlungsausschuss"/EA) from 28th may to 12th of June 2007 at telephone number 038204-768111 during the days and nights. The "Ermittlungsausschuss" stays in contact with many lawyers which will help to free the people. They can help also to find out at which prisons or cells your comrades has been transported by the police. Please call again the "Ermittlungsausschuss" if your are released, this will help the lawyers to not have unnecessary work; it helps your friends and comrades to know whether you are already released or not, too (when they are calling the "Ermittlungsausschuss").
Blockades: Red Zone around the G8-summit area partly reduced.
In the camps you will get the information how to go to the meeting points of the different blockades at 6th of june. At 6th of June the ways and streets towards the G8-summit in Heiligendamm will be blockaded by actions of civil disobedience. At this day the most of the delegates of the G8 are landing at the NATO-airport in Rostock-Laage (more information: g8andwar.de ). While the controls at the german borders and around Rostock and Heiligendamm has intensified in the last days, the german security authorities wanted to enlarge the Red Zone, but lost their case in the german courts. After protests by different parties, the civil-rights movement and intellectuals against the reduction of democratic rights the Red Zone around Heiligendamm and around the security fence has to be reduced from 3 kilometers to only 200 meters. Different organizatitors for the protests did go to court against the plan of the G8-police special unit to forbid all protest meetings in a larger area. The german security authorities want to go into revision against that new decision, but also the anti-G8 protesters now are asking for a complete reduction of the whole security zone. Until now at the action day against the NATO-airport in Rostock-Laage some of the manifestation places are forbidden, but the organizers are taking legal action against this decisions, too!
Actiondays in Rostock and Heiligendamm
Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive | mail@antiG8.tk